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学术报告预告:The Role of External Counterpulsation(ECP) in Cerebrovascular Disease

Jun 23, 2016 09:46 PM

报告题目:The Role of External Counterpulsation(ECP) in Cerebrovascular Disease

报 告 人:Prof. Lawrence WONG Ka-sing


时    间:2016年6月23日  下午14:30

地    点:北航逸夫馆 416会议室


Despite the rapid progress in stroke management during the past decade, stroke has been the leading cause of death and disability in the world. Ischemic stroke occurs when there is a lack of blood flow to the brain. Abundant evidence shows that poor cerebral perfusion is related to unfavorable functional outcome, further strokes and other vascular events. Although a number of major clinical studies have demonstrated the benefit of plaque stabilization, and antithrombotic therapy, these medications are mainly for secondary stroke prevention. As the main problem of stroke is that there is not enough blood getting to the focal cerebral region, cerebral blood flow (CBF) augmentation may be the first and most important goal in acute stroke management. Basically, improving the CBF can be accomplished in two broad ways: opening arteries directly by mechanical techniques or augmenting the CBF by systemic strategies. Thrombolytic therapy is the only universally accepted acute treatment for ischemic stroke but the limited time window confines its use to very few patients. Diastolic counterpulsation is an acceptable method that is known to improve the perfusion of vital organs. Clinically, diastolic counterpulsation has been achieved invasively with an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) or noninvasively by external counterpulsation (ECP). In this presentation, I will present the mechanisms of ECP, effects of ECP on hemodynamic changes, and the efficacy and safety of ECP in ischemic stroke treatment.


Prof. Lawrence WONG Ka-sing is Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine; chief of the Division of Neurology and director of the S.H. Ho Cardiovascular Disease & Stroke Center, CUHK. Professor Wong’s major research interests lie in the epidemiology, neuroimaging and treatment of stroke. He is the first to confirm that intracranial atherosclerosis (narrowing of vessel around the brain) was the most common vascular lesion among Asian stroke patients, and was found in 1/3 to half of Chinese stroke patients. He was the first to establish the high possibility of having another stroke among patients with diffuse intracranial atherosclerosis. He performed the world’s first community-based study in rural China and found that the prevalence of asymptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis was 7-8% among normal subjects. Recently, Professor Wong has been studying more aggressive treatment of intracranial atherosclerosis by using stenting and blood flow augmentation such as external counterpulsation to the brain. He serves as a Deputy Editor of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry as well as an Associate Editor of the journal Stroke (American Heart Association). He is/was a member of the editorial board for, Eur J Neurology, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Chinese Medical Journal and Journal of Neuroimaging. He has authored more than 440 original research papers in indexed journals, including New England Journal of Medicine (IF: 59.558), Lancet (IF: 44.002), Lancet Neurology (IF: 23.468) and Circulation (IF: 17.047), and has given more than 300 invited lectures all over the world. Professor Wong’s pioneering work has won many international recognition and awards, including the Bruce S. Schoenberg International Award and Lecture in Neuroepidemiology from the American Academy of Neurology in 2001, a gold medal for the Chapter of Neurology Lecture from the Singapore College of Physicians in 2005, a Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship in 2011 and Natural Sciences Award, Class 1, of the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards organized by the Ministry of Education in 2011.


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